Colored Pencil still life. This piece may not look it but it took FOREVER to complete. It was done with 8 colored pencils. In retrospect, I should have 'zoomed in' so I wouldn't have had so many different subjects to render.
"Emerald City"
You might remember this from a photo I posted here on my blog. The assignment here was to render a scene in linear perspective, from real life. We had to show something in one point perspective, something in two point perspective, something in three point perspective, cast shadows, and reflections. Since my town is "Greenville", and the large glass window is green, I drew on a green surface, and thus, the title.
This is a study of texture. The assignment was to FIND 10 textures (not to arrange a still life or whatever) and to recreate them in a charcoal or graphite drawing. This is Bill's junk drawer. If you look closely you'll see a candle, a key, a lock, a watch, a crumpled receipt, a lifesaver, some sock holders, a miniature Eiffel Tower from his 40th birthday trip, a backroller, a pair of glasses, a spool of thread, and a shell from Edisto.
I especially love the first one, the vibrant colors come through-- great project. I like having the chance to see some of your hard work!
These are too cool! I love seeing what you've done. The bottom one is my favorite.
What a gorgeous combination of talent and tenacity--and your artwork is mighty fine, too. ;-) I so admire you!
Really beautiful, I especially like the Emerald City.
I like the junk drawer best, but they are all impressive. That first one (at the top) looks like it did take forever to me! Wow. Isn't it awesome how much you've accomplished in this first semester? I love that you can show us what you've learned.
wow, these are all great! they make my hand tired just looking at them. :)
You're work is wonderful. I can't imagine the hours you put in!
I really do know how to spell. : )
Your talent is really amazing! These are all beautiful. Thank you for posting them. I wish I could see them in person to study them more.
Awesome work it is!!
The depth in the first is simply amazing. :)
Beth! These are fantastic! Forget feeling like a poser, please! You are an artist! Your rendering is faboo! I like them all!
These are great!! Thanks for posting your work. I'm inspired. :)
The first is my favorite, but I love them all. I am ULTRA impressed!
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