Before our beach house is sold, I am enjoying a few days of job-hunting from here. Since everything's internet-based anyway, why not? Given the choice between a small dark apartment, or a roomy beach house.... hmmmm.... that's a tough one. I have had a few friends down, but for the most part, I've been alone. Solitude isn't unwelcome.
So back to my perfect day: I awoke at 5:00 am and went to lie out under the stars... it's so clear, and the Milky Way was perfectly visible, along with Orion, the Pleaides, and a multitude of other constellations. I went back to sleep, then made frech toast and bacon and breakfast of choice. I walked Zeus on the beavch, then went for a bike ride to a nature preserve about 5 miles away. I rode around the loop of the preserve, and took a detour out to an isolated beach. There I took a swim and walked for about an hour. I finished the loop, and stopped for mint chocolate chip ice cream before coming back to the house. The doors are open, the temperature is perfect, the skies are cloudless. It just doesn't get much better.

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