Textiles used to be king in my town. Mills were everywhere. But over time jobs were exported abroad, other industries grew, and textiles sank into near oblivion. Several years ago, Poe Mill burned to the ground. Now the remaining building has been converted into artist studios, where I study. These photos were taken today before I started painting. The ruins are symbolic for me: my dad and his dad worked in the mills; my other grandfather was a mill supervisor. It's a way of life that is essentially gone.

Wow...that last one. Sad. This is a memorial series.
I agree with Tia, that last one looks ghostly. I really like the the roll of whatever it is. That picture is just really neat.
Wow, I love these. To chime in...The last one! This looks like a great source of material. I love the way discarded things tell a story. Even without what you said, the pictures told a lot. Nice.
I can't help but join the crowd...I find the last shoot particularly striking. Abandoned spaces have so many untold stories, and you really captured that feeling here, Beth.
I agree with Sandie about the roll. It is very well done. The little bit of green is great! Good eye!
I love getting to see this part of your life and the story that goes along with it. It's great that you captured that piece of history. And, I'll echo everyone else and say that the last photo is my favorite. I love the muted tones, light and shadows.
Thanks for all the comments. Through the door in the last photo is the studio where I study. The roll is a bolt of fabric produced by the mill that didn't burn; I found it sticking out of the rubble, growing moss.
The second and the forth especially stand out to me. How sad, the change. But at least you can spend time there, where your family spent so much of theirs.
I just wanted you to know I check here just about every day. Until today I didn't have an account, so I couldn't comment. I usually follow your links to all the other 365'ers, too. It's a great window into everyone's lives.
Great use of lines and curves in these photos. I liked the bolt of fabric. You're doing a great job of chronicling your locations.
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