Today Bill added to his list of athletic accomplishments the completion of a half-iron man: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, & 13.1 mile run. Mackenzie pointed out that "half iron man" sounds lame, like "copper man" or worse, "rust man". So we need a better name for it, because there's nothing lame about finishing a race like that! All the novices had to wear neon pink swim caps, as he's modeling here....he thinks it's so they could be spotted if they went under! He finished in 7 hours.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Man of Iron
Today Bill added to his list of athletic accomplishments the completion of a half-iron man: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, & 13.1 mile run. Mackenzie pointed out that "half iron man" sounds lame, like "copper man" or worse, "rust man". So we need a better name for it, because there's nothing lame about finishing a race like that! All the novices had to wear neon pink swim caps, as he's modeling here....he thinks it's so they could be spotted if they went under! He finished in 7 hours.
Varied Saturday
Saturday started with a trip to the farmer's market, then moved on to a short visit with a friend, then to the opening of the local history museum, and concluded with Furman football.
Here's what we're starting to see at the Farmer's Market. I love fall!

This guy was in the "Cherokee Nation" tent at the opening of the museum:

This rather boring shot (sorry) is of the new history museum. It is located along what is called Heritage Green, site of the Public Library, Theatre, Children's Museum, a branch of the Bob Jones Museum & Gallery, the Art Museum, and now the History Museum anchoring the end of the greenway.

I liked the silhouette of the Furman paladin sculpture against the evening sky:
Here's what we're starting to see at the Farmer's Market. I love fall!
This guy was in the "Cherokee Nation" tent at the opening of the museum:
This rather boring shot (sorry) is of the new history museum. It is located along what is called Heritage Green, site of the Public Library, Theatre, Children's Museum, a branch of the Bob Jones Museum & Gallery, the Art Museum, and now the History Museum anchoring the end of the greenway.
I liked the silhouette of the Furman paladin sculpture against the evening sky:
Friday, September 28, 2007
This is a charcoal drawing I did for my art class. The point of the project was to demonstrate a full range of values (1/3 white, 1/3 all shades ofgray, 1/3 black), and to show depth of field, and to use no lines, only changes in value. The photo is a little overexposed from using a flash. I'm happy with it, even though it was done from a photo (frowned upon, I've learned) ... I did a watercolor a few years ago of the same scene but my dog ate it. I'm happier with the drawing anyway.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Just to let you know...
I haven't disappeared. Grayson took his camera to London (his last fling before the Marines) and so I'm camera-less (because, of course, my REAL camera is at the bottom of the Green River). So I plan on buying a camera tomorrow and playing catchup! I've got one drawing back that I want to post anyway. So hopefully you can check back on Saturday and I'll have fresh shots up.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Day Spa
His gear/her gear
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Next project ideas

Tonight I spent over three hours (THREE HOURS) trying to come up with a still life subject for my next project, which is due soon so I really don't have three hours to devote to setting it up! Pictured are the four combinations that I came up with. The parameters are: must show line systems at work, must display texture, must be well composed, must show all degrees of value, must be done from life (not a photo), can be executed in charcoal or graphite. Funny thing is...the composition I liked best is the one I like least in the photos! And some of the ones I gave up on in person, I really like in the photos (especially when I cheat and view them in black and white as the project will be). For instance, the pet toys never looked very good to me and seemed to lack complexity. But in the b/w version of the photo, I love the composition (except for that dead upper left corner). So I'm right back where I started...not sure what I'm going to start drawing at 8:30 tomorrow morning!
Drawing class
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Artsy Friends

You may remember these two from my girls' week at the beach photos, but I spent time with both this week. Both are farther along the artsy fartsy (I really cannot stop myself: when I use the word 'artsy' I simply must follow it with 'fartsy') road than I am, so they offer me some inspiration and encouragement.
This is a cropped shot of one of the artist's displays. I love his/her? boldness. Wish I had made note of this artist's name!

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Pieces of Puddle Pie
That time of year
Friday, September 14, 2007
Mostly shoes

This was today's only photo....and it was taken with a cell phone. It is a set up for a charcoal drawing I'm doing to highlight various textures.
PS. By the way...I'm so glad I captured the artroom kitchen! Some curmudgeon has since scrubbed it of all its personality! The sense of this blog being a historical record has never felt so urgent! :-)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A little bit of everything
This is the scene in the kitchen at the art department where I'm in school. It provides the larger context for yesterday's photo. I doubt you expected a large red California with splatter being rolled on by a disembodied hand. Nor would one necessarily expect a giant upturned purple spider to be on top of the fridge. But's the art department. I loved the dueling sentiments...."Just Say No to Sex with Pro-Lifers" juxtapositioned against "No special rights for sodomites", with "Save the Males" thrown in for good measure. The whole assemblage cracks me up.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
...In all her funky glory
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Date Night: Casino Night
Friday, September 07, 2007
Value study
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
South Kakkalacky - part 6
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Death Valley
Sunday, September 02, 2007
More schoolwork!
In the tagline of my blog, I mention "what I'm learning" as one of the reasons for the blog. So're stuck with my art projects right now, because not only is it what I'm learning, it's the only --the ONLY-- thing I'm doing these days! Bill asked me yesterday if I thought the workload was going to continue like this. I think it probably will. And of course, there's the part of me, though I'm not a perfectionist exactly, that wants to only turn in a strong effort, and wouldn't think of showing up in class without my work done! As he observed, you get out of something what you put into it... so I ought to be getting a lot out of these two art classes!
This project is in design...the assignment was to illustrate pure symmetry, approximate symmetry, and asymmetry all in one cohesive work, using only grayscale cut paper. I was inspired by a photo I took of a graveyard in Charleston, looking through the wrought iron. My photos are coming in really handy as sources of inspiration!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
In memoriam

Yesterday after a one month battle against cancer, Clark's favorite teacher died. "Deacon Bob" is pictured here in June, after his first year of teaching, being voted by the students as Teacher of the Year. Clark told me tonight, "Deacon Bob never was upset with you. He always was laughing and smiling. He loved EVERYONE." Teachers like that don't come along often in a child's life, and I'm grateful that for one year mine had Deacon Bob. His death leaves a hole in many hearts today.
He greets me everyday
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