Tonight I spent over three hours (THREE HOURS) trying to come up with a still life subject for my next project, which is due soon so I really don't have three hours to devote to setting it up! Pictured are the four combinations that I came up with. The parameters are: must show line systems at work, must display texture, must be well composed, must show all degrees of value, must be done from life (not a photo), can be executed in charcoal or graphite. Funny thing is...the composition I liked best is the one I like least in the photos! And some of the ones I gave up on in person, I really like in the photos (especially when I cheat and view them in black and white as the project will be). For instance, the pet toys never looked very good to me and seemed to lack complexity. But in the b/w version of the photo, I love the composition (except for that dead upper left corner). So I'm right back where I started...not sure what I'm going to start drawing at 8:30 tomorrow morning!
I think the first one looks like the most fun to draw but the one with the shoes (a close second for "fun") matches your criteria more. Let us know what you choose!
I was just thinking about what your next project might be while taking a shower so I'm glad I checked your 365! I like the bottom set up best I think because of the twiggy thing running throughout it. I can't wait to see what you come up with and the final product. Going to art school with you is so much fun!
I love the shoes! Lots of lines going on there....
goodness, trying to draw all that texture scares me. i think the bottom one would be a good choice though.
Thanks for sharing all your art assignments with us, it makes me wish I were back in class.
I like the bottom one too. And plase to share your results!
I actually liked the dog toys (color and texture). Can't wait to see the results.
My two cents: I love the linear effect of the shoes.
Love the texture of the elephant one.
You WILL show us the finished product, right? Looking forward to it...
Thanks all. I decided on the pet toys and am now pulling my hair out. I probably would have pulled it out even worse on the shoes. I don't think graphite is my preferred medium! Grr. The bottom one probably would have been easier. But leave it to me to do it the hard way. :-) It's due Tuesday so I'm hard at it.
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