Today Bill added to his list of athletic accomplishments the completion of a half-iron man: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, & 13.1 mile run. Mackenzie pointed out that "half iron man" sounds lame, like "copper man" or worse, "rust man". So we need a better name for it, because there's nothing lame about finishing a race like that! All the novices had to wear neon pink swim caps, as he's modeling here....he thinks it's so they could be spotted if they went under! He finished in 7 hours.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Man of Iron
Today Bill added to his list of athletic accomplishments the completion of a half-iron man: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, & 13.1 mile run. Mackenzie pointed out that "half iron man" sounds lame, like "copper man" or worse, "rust man". So we need a better name for it, because there's nothing lame about finishing a race like that! All the novices had to wear neon pink swim caps, as he's modeling here....he thinks it's so they could be spotted if they went under! He finished in 7 hours.
I'm sweating just thinking about it.
Kudos to Bill! That is a feat of true Manhood!
Three cheers for your half-iron man. Looks pretty full-on manly iron-y to me!
doing anything for 7 hours, let alone working out is totally beyond me. ...well, i could probably sleep for 7 hours but that's a little different.
i'd say he's superman. gratz to him!
I am so impressed! YAY for Bill!!
I think he's more like Mr. Woody to me!
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