Tuesday, January 30, 2007

South Kakkalacky - part 3

OK, you're going to have to humor me here. I know, I know: I already posted two photos today. But sometimes a shot comes along that you just have to bend the rules for, a shot that's worth the trouble. As M was driving home from his co-op today (while I was chattering away in the passenger seat on my cell phone), he grabs my elbow, says "CAMERA!" and yanks the car to the curb. Lo and behold, a moment you're glad you carried your camera for. How many times does one see a limosine completely carpeted in astroturf, I ask you?

Only in South Kakkalacky.


Katrina said...

LOL - can't say I've ever seen a carpeted car! It's great that your ds is on the lookout for pictures for you. :)

Unknown said...

Oh I'm so happy to see it!! This is hilarious! I tried to picture it but I totally missed it. It's hilarious!

Dalissa 365 said...

Priceless... I am so glad M was on the lookout!

You've totally made my day!

NoVA Dad said...

That is too funny. If they put the windows down, the trunk could probably double as a putting green!

- Matt

LauraLiz said...

The car is great, but what I really love is how the kids know we are armed and ready for any worthy sight! :-)

Sandie said...

Oh my that is too funny!

PS. I didn't comment on your two below, they are really quiet and peaceful, very pretty.

Colleen said...

Classic. Totally classic. Can't say I've seen this particular "look", but I've come pretty darn close in New Orleans. LOL

Carol Ann Weaver said...

How on earth will you choose your one photo for the day between those three! Priceless car.