I'm just cheating and adding this one taken Wednesday because I want to document my art here. This is what I've gotten done on a portrait from three hours with the model. The way my mentor teaches, it takes time! He teaches to first lay in color and start to approximate the form while achieving color shifts. Then study the line carefully and cut in dark into light with an accurate line only in the places that the line IS clearly defined; that won't happen until you've achieved the larger fields of value shift and the movement of colors. It's frustrating, but it's fascinating as well. The less I try to make it accurate, and the more time I put into squinting to get the values right, the more I start to see the form simply emerge, rather than forcing it. For instance, in this one, I never have taken any measurements or created any features...and yet this is recognizable in a rudimentary way as being the model.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Portrait progress
I'm just cheating and adding this one taken Wednesday because I want to document my art here. This is what I've gotten done on a portrait from three hours with the model. The way my mentor teaches, it takes time! He teaches to first lay in color and start to approximate the form while achieving color shifts. Then study the line carefully and cut in dark into light with an accurate line only in the places that the line IS clearly defined; that won't happen until you've achieved the larger fields of value shift and the movement of colors. It's frustrating, but it's fascinating as well. The less I try to make it accurate, and the more time I put into squinting to get the values right, the more I start to see the form simply emerge, rather than forcing it. For instance, in this one, I never have taken any measurements or created any features...and yet this is recognizable in a rudimentary way as being the model.
Wow. That looks awesome. Please keep us updated as you go along. I love seeing your work.
I am glad you are documenting your artwork here. I look forward to seeing the final product and even though I've never seen your model, you are right about certain features already coming through... like the distinct shape of his ear. I picture him as being either Greek or Italian based on the shadow of lines in his face and shape of his face, the wave in his hair.
Wonderful! I feel lucky to watch your work in progress. Thanks for being open about it. :)
Dalissa, click on the embedded link to see the photo of the model. It's a she, but she has a really short haircut. :-)
Oops... I was totally expecting the model to be a guy... sorry. She DOES have a very short haircut.
really cool, keep us updated!
Yes, I can see the model in your painting. I am so glad you're recording some of your progress here. I am so impessed, Beth!
Looks great! I'm glad we get to see your painting as you progress. I am very impressed.
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