I came out into the mall lot today and saw that my car had a twin. Can you guess which twin I am? Probably not too hard for most to guess.
I used not to be that way. I used to never put any kinds of stickers on my car. In fact, until last year those cars would have been truly twins. But then I had to go and get opinionated about Walmart, I had to show school spirit, I had to buy an Apple, I had to indulge my outfitter-store-employed kids. It's kinda funny to me all you can learn about someone by the car they drive and the stickers they allow...wonder what people think of me?
I've blurred the license plates because of my uber-nefarious readership. :-)
I got to a point where I also decided to put a sticker on my car. It was already old when I decided that, and then we sold it when it was 13 years old and I actually had to scrape the damn thing off. It took a while but it worked and I didn't even damage the paint.
Fun looking at all your car "Bling". ;-)
I love bumper stickers. Jeff doesn't. But, I feel a Suburban just calls for stickers... so I have a cool one about charter schools, an M&M (because I used to collect M&M's and my Mom gave it to me), a couple for one of my old fave bands "The Cure", and one for a punk rock clothing store where big E. bought some clothes from. I am always on the lookout for others that represent my thoughts but sometimes they are hard to come by.
I forgot to add that if you ever want to remove any kind of sticker or sticky substance without any residue or scratched, go to an art supply store and buy a product called "Bestine". I learned about using it when I used to do graphic design because we would use it to remove rubber cement and cellotac which is just about the stickiest product in the universe. Just last week, I used it to remove some adhesive residue from the front of the dishwasher that must have been from a kids sticker or something and it worked fabulously.
Ooh, thanks for the tip! I limit my stickers to the glass (the ones on the paint are magnetic).
I like your 'non-Suburban' choices for your suburban. I like it when there are unexpected combinations on people's cars. Sometimes around here you'll see a Clemson sticker on one side of the bumper, and a Carolina sticker on the other side.
I'm drawing the line at politics...I'm not a terribly political creature. I also don't do Jesus. Mainly because if I cut someone off in traffic or something, I don't want the guy behind me to be pissed off at Jesus....I'd rather he just be pissed off at me.:-)
Great post and great comments. Like Dalissa, I've got the Suburban thing going, and I just started with the stickers (and a loudly declarative personalized license plate...)
You've inspired me to do more...
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