Today, I became a college student again! I enrolled for two classes, Design and Drawing. I'm hoping to get some fundamentals down, as I feel like my painting has been a hodgepodge. I've done well with it, but I feel like there's a large body of info that I'm missing (since I never had even one art class the first time I was in college!) This sharpener made me feel like I was back in elementary school, with two orange #2s. My children all started school today as well, so we've all got the shared experience tonight of being overwhelmed with syllabi.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Back to School
Today, I became a college student again! I enrolled for two classes, Design and Drawing. I'm hoping to get some fundamentals down, as I feel like my painting has been a hodgepodge. I've done well with it, but I feel like there's a large body of info that I'm missing (since I never had even one art class the first time I was in college!) This sharpener made me feel like I was back in elementary school, with two orange #2s. My children all started school today as well, so we've all got the shared experience tonight of being overwhelmed with syllabi.
Yippee! Congrats on signing up for the classes! I am so happy for you!
BTW, according to my directions, I'll be on I-85 for 150 miles so I think I might pass by your actual exit. Email me your cell number and I'll call you when I can. My cell phone isn't working right now so I'll have to use a pay phone, but still...
First the photo - absolutely too cool. Love the direct stare into the holes (we never get to look at them that way). And something about the antique color (sepia almost) of the natural state of the sharpener is really cool.
Now onto the other part: WOO-HOO!!!!! I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to see your drawings photographed and shared here. Fabulous! What school are you at?
I'm going to Greenville Tec ... it's pretty good as two-year schools go...15,000 students, 4 campuses, etc. I knew of both my teachers from the local art scene; they're respected working artists, which is nice. I'm happy to be doing something in a positive direction...
Fantastic! I love the photo and the fact that you are a student again. I told Nathan and Christy, after going to open house for some of their co-op classes, that we would all 3 be students this semester. I'm taking that writing class and really excited about being a student again at 50! lol
excellent news! hope the classes go well and be sure to post your work!
That's so wonderful, Beth! You go, girl! (I like this photo, too.)
Congrats, Beth! Have a great semester -- both classes sound wonderful!
I toyed with taking a class this semester -- a church history class at a local seminary. But since I'm going back to teaching two classes at our co-op plus homeschooling 4 kiddos, school for me will have to wait.
A great picture, and an inspiring twist on the back-to-school posts!
Congrats on returning to school! I would so love to go back and get another bachelor's degree.
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