Tonight Dalissa ( -- I've got to learn to imbed that! -- was travelling down interstate 85 and stopped over at my house for the night. One of the great things about the internet is the friends I've been able to meet over the years. I first met her in person about five years ago, and this time I got to meet three of her children too. This photo is of her younger daughter enjoying playing with Zeus. He particularly enjoyed her, as she was closer to his size and she would run through the house squealing in delight as he chased her and tugged on her twirly skirt.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Little visitor
Tonight Dalissa ( -- I've got to learn to imbed that! -- was travelling down interstate 85 and stopped over at my house for the night. One of the great things about the internet is the friends I've been able to meet over the years. I first met her in person about five years ago, and this time I got to meet three of her children too. This photo is of her younger daughter enjoying playing with Zeus. He particularly enjoyed her, as she was closer to his size and she would run through the house squealing in delight as he chased her and tugged on her twirly skirt.
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Such a cute photo and so glad they found you!
Waah!! So close!
Great photo! Love the joy.
Love the smile!
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