Thursday, February 01, 2007

Snow, South Carolina style

For this, school was cancelled today? I think we got MAYBE one inch. This is the lantern on the front of my's sheltered, but still. Here's the view from my front door. Not a very impressive snow, but at the least, an excuse for hot chocolate, inviting friends over, ordering pizza, and a fire in the fireplace.


Colleen said...

Funny about school being canceled ~ although it doesn't take much here, either. I like the first photo in particular; that'd make another nice one for LampPost...

LauraLiz said...

I love your lantern in the snow.

We had a horrible ice storm predicted, but it didn't materialize. No snow or talk of snow!

Sandie said...

I like the lantern picture a lot. I was hoping for a snow day, we also got many be an inch tops. The few kids do did come today are out playing in it now.

MaryD said...

You know what appeals to me here? The fluffy lightness of the snow contrasted with the solid heaviness of the iron, and the brick wall in the background adds to the impression of solidity, stability vs. the temporary, light fluffiness.