Not my greatest photo....but I had to use a cell phone. But here he is: my adrenaline-junkie! (Actually, I have a few of those; probably it's embedded in the DNA). This shot is of Bill as he left today for a 24-hour adventure race. This time he's racing with a very experienced teammate, and at his last race, Bill finished fourth in his category. So his hopes are high for a strong finish in this race. Hard to believe he just took up this sport a few years ago....since then he has participated in probably a dozen races. He has lost 15 pounds. He has started working out in a consistent way. He enjoys life more. He's survived near misses, a bike wreck (concussion), fainting, digestive upset, a snakebite, stinging nettles, hypothermia, sleep-deprived hallucinations, and countless scrapes, scratches & bruises. And probably other things he isn't telling me!
He's starting to tick off goals, both personal and professional, at a strong clip. When he gets back from this race, we go to the beach for two weeks. Then he is teaching a ethics class in Las Vegas, so of course, while he's in the neighborhood, he's heading to the Grand Canyon, and is planning on running it rim-to-rim (I think it's 23 miles or so). Yes, in August. Then in October he has set the goal of participating in a half iron-man. All that and a professional work-week that would make a weaker man wilt. On top of it all, he manages to come home for dinner every night, and leave the office behind -- he never takes business calls after hours. He amazes me, and I think my teenagers even admire what their old man is accomplishing!
And will we see him (and you!) in Dakar in January??? Great to see this man accomplishing so many things that are meaningful to him.
Oh, he's got Dakar on his radar (along with climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro)....but I don't think it will be this January. How long are y'all living there? :-) I see that goal being maybe 3-5 years down the road. But that's just me.... he might have in mind sooner!
You are a blessed woman.
All that integrity, and he's cute, too!
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