If I ever had a scrap of pride, it should be gone with the publication of these two shots. One is taken by Chelsea. I took her out to eat before I left on my retreat, and she shot this one of me fishing for a tip. Lovely, lovely angle, charming expression, and so form-flattering!! Hard to imagine a prettier me!
The other is a self portrait taken on the retreat while doing yoga on the riverbank. I always to look so svelte when the camera is ...um... hip-level. Wow. And I look so stern....probably because I only had 10 seconds in which to set up the pose and get balanced before the shutter released.
At least now, any self-portraits I take should be an improvement.
Listen, I'm just impressed that you can balance for ten seconds. I'm like a shaking leaf the whole time I'm in tree. I can't do it! You look great.
I am impressed that you can balance like that.
I think you look wonderful and I am PROUD of you for posting these!
Beth, you're amazing and so athletic too now I see! And to think you had to set this up and run and get in the position before the camera snapped your picture is too funny! Is your mind constantly racing of what new blog shots can I come up with next that will most entertain my viewers??!!! This one is one of my favorites right up there with the mammogram shots!
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