We spent a pretty quiet fourth....couldn't get anyone on a celebratory bandwagon, plus M had a basketball tournament that he played in. So finally last night, we took chairs downtown and joined probably 40,000 other souls in watching the fireworks. Seriously, there were people EVERYWHERE... (edited to add: newspaper accounts now say there were 75,000 people there, so no wonder I was feeling crowded!)
I don't really think Bubble Boy was there, but pictures don't lie, right?
Then we stopped by a friend's house (who threatened me with bodily harm if I posted a picture of her on the blog....something about what her hair looked like...but I'm not afraid of HER!) and let Clark be the pyromeister for igniting a laundry hamper full of fireworks.
Crest White Strips, perhaps?
Love the fireworks -- mine didn't come out.
We've never had legal fireworks in CA to set off ourselves -- too much danger of fire. Must be fun to set off your own!
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